WMCO Artist Spotlight | Gengahr


New to the Geyer Studio is Gengahr. They are an English indie rock group from Hackney,  London.

Gengahr is a British indie group. They perform predominately shows in Europe.

Gengahr is a British indie group. They perform predominately shows in Europe.

Originally named RES, they soon changed their name as they found another group was under that name on iTunes. Gengahr is a play on words on Gengar, which was one of the original Pokemon.

Their debut effort, “A Dream Outside” received mostly positive reviews. We’re spinning their album “Sanctuary” currently.

As WMCO Music Director, this album caught my ear because it screams college radio. The progressive rock vibe reminds me of another classic British rock band, Oasis.  I highly recommend listening to Gengahr!

Gengahr is currently touring in Europe and will end their tour in Australia next month.

Gengahrhas released three albums with “Sanctuary” being released on Jan. 30.

Tune into Something Old, Something New on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. for comparisons of our favorites at WMCO and current songs playing.

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