The New Concord community is able enjoy two new Little Free Libraries in town.
The Little Free Library movement is the world’s largest book-sharing organization. It started in Hudson, Wisconsin.
The Little Free Library’s mission is “to be a catalyst for building community, inspiring readers, and expanding book access for all through a global network of volunteer-led Little Free Libraries,” with a vision of “a Little Free Library in every community and a book for every reader.”

One of the new Little Free Libraries have been located at New Concord Village Hall. Two more locations are forthcoming.
The organization wants to provide 24/7 book access to communities.
It was announced at the June New Concord Village Council meeting the design review board met and discussed plans to place more libraries around the village of New Concord, bringing the total libraries to five.
The Little Free Library recorded 100,000 libraries across all 50 states, 110 countries, and all seven continents. The non-profit organization was granted the World Literacy Reward in 2020.
Little Free Library initiated a new movement in 2020 called “Read in Color” in response to George Floyd’s murder. This movement’s goal is to provide diverse books to all Little Free Library communities so readers can educate themselves on racism, social justice, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ awareness.
Two new libraries have been placed in town. One is in front of Village Hall, and the other is at the New Concord Area Pool.
Two additional locations are soon scheduled to be placed in the community.
The new libraries are handmade by community member Jim Hatcher.