Students presented research in Muskingum’s Student Scholarship Showcase April 5, part of President Susan S. Hasseler’s Inauguration Week celebration.
This showcase was different from previous research events as this presentation encompassed students and majors from all across campus.
“We’re very pleased with the number of student participants and research projects,” said Science Division Coordinator Paul Szalay. “It’s a nice cross-section of the academic program.”
The showcase featured 36 projects from 19 major areas. Topics ranged from sciences, psychology, sociology, math, athletic training, education, political science, economics, theatre, accounting, business, English, and communication.
Projects included glow-in-the-dark animals, editing Shakespeare, the best material to make dental implants, effects of diabetes, and analyzing “Harry Potter” from communication and theatre perspectives.
Student participants were welcomed to large crowds from the campus and community. “We’re very happy with the number of guests that have taken advantage,” said Szalay.
Muskingum University President Susan S. Hasseler said the research showcase fits with the theme of the week.
“The whole theme of the week is celebrating our community and our calling, and our students are just showing their amazing skills and interests and it’s just wonderful,” said Hasseler.
Hasseler said she was proud of the work both students and faculty dedicated to the event.
“The amount of work our student are doing, the senior seminars, the depth of the projects, it’s very impressive, and I would just like to say thank you to everyone for putting this together for this week,” said Hasseler.
Hasseler said the event helped to demonstrate the depth of Muskingum’s student involvement to the community. Hasseler’s inauguration ceremony is Friday, April 7 at 2 p.m. in the Anne C. Steele Center. Learn more about Inauguration Week.