A blood drive takes place on campus


The American Red Cross is experiencing an emergency blood shortage and Muskingum University is doing its part to help. 

Muskingum University hosted a blood drive in the Anne C. Steele Center on Feb. 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The American Red Cross is currently facing a 20-year-low in people donating blood. John Glenn High School had also recently hosted a blood drive. 

“They did well, they went over goal. They have a history of doing really well at that school. They have a really good coordinator, and their students are heavily involved…,” said Brian William, the American Red Cross Account Manager for Muskingum and Guernsey counties. 

Williams was in the Anne C. Steele Center the morning of the blood drive and was optimistic for the turnout on campus. 

According to Williams, the goal was to collect 30 units of blood. The blood drive exceeded expectations, with 42 units collected.

Those who are interested in donating blood are encouraged to make an appointment, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). 

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Theatre students travel to a regional festival


The Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) is a national theatre program with regional festivals across the country. The Muskingum University Theatre program attended the Region 2 festival in Pittsburgh, PA.  

The festival, which took place from Jan. 24-27, was an opportunity for students to showcase their work in previous productions, showcase their acting abilities, and to participate in workshops.  

“… it’s always a fun thing to see students get to do workshops that we can’t offer at Muskingum and different sorts of styles of theatre and it’s always really fun for them to come back and have like big ideas…,” said Cassie King, Associate Professor of Theatre. 

King, Professor of Theatre Dr. Diane Rao, and 16 students went to this year’s festival, which is almost twice the number of students who typically attend for Muskingum.  

“It was nice to have them all and they all presented different things in different areas of theatre, so we had a lot of Muskingum representation there which is really cool,” King said. 

Another attendee that went to the regional KCACTF wasn’t a student, professor, or even human. Susan, a puppet used in the October production of “Arden of Feversham,” tagged along with the students to Pittsburgh.  

“…were that program that was carrying around a kind of creepy puppet the entire time but, you know, Susan got a lot out of the festival too and we like her. So she’s kind of our mascot,” said King.  

Next year’s KCACTF for region two takes place Jan. 15-18, 2025 with the location to be announced.

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