Written by JW Dennison and Megan Groves
Muskingum University held its 101st annual Homecoming Oct. 13-15. Campus events were held throughout the week, leading up to the official event.
“Making it to the second century of any university tradition is pretty amazing but recognizing that Muskingum’s Homecoming has now been around for more than a century is so compelling,” said Muskingum University President Dr. Susan S. Hasseler.
A bonfire was held on the quad on Tuesday, Oct. 10. Students celebrated the top 10 Homecoming King and Queen candidates, and the top three candidates were announced.
Tuesday was also the first day of the Homecoming Goosechase event. Goosechase is an interactive, scavenger hunt-like online platform that was used to allow students the opportunity to compete for prizes.
The prizes included AirPods Pro, a 40-inch Vizio TV, an Echo Dot, Big Joe, black Stanley cup, projector, and a Keurig. The Goosechase was held Tuesday through Saturday.
Muskingum Student Leadership and Engagement hosted a Wiffle ball game on Wednesday. The game was played with a twist. Each ball pitched at the batter was filled with shaving cream.
The Student Athletic Advisory Committee held a Brewed Awakenings event in the bottom of the Chess Center on Thursday. Students had the opportunity to spend time with some Muskingum student athletes. Coffee and refreshments were provided.
Muskingum Student Leadership and Engagement also hosted “Let’s Make a Deal” on Friday. Students were encouraged to attend for the chance to win prizes.
Muskingum University awarded Jillian Von Gunten ’09, Justin Kume ’06, Michael Klamo ’15, and Taylor Loos-Little ’16 Emerging Alumni Awards for significant contributions to their profession and their world by adhering to the values the university instills in its students.
“I find the Distinguished Service and Emerging Alumni Awards to be a very special part of Homecoming. To hear the stories of how our alumni were prepared to serve in such powerful ways by their experiences at Muskingum is an inspiring reminder of why we do what we do every day,” said Hasseler.
James McDonald ‘73, John Fisher ‘76, and Dr. Debra Clausing Sudan ‘85 were awarded the Distinguished Service Award which honors alumni who have distinguished themselves through their professional endeavors and exemplary service to mankind.
The Muskingum University Music Department held their 12th annual Collage Concert in Brown Chapel to wrap up Friday’s events.
“This year’s Collage Concert went exceptionally well, and was performed to a full house. The music department is integrally involved during homecoming week, whether it be through performing at board dinners, the Collage Concert, the homecoming football game, or the Homecoming Chapel Service,” said Dr. David Turrill, Director of Bands.
The Collage Concert highlights different ensembles and soloists in Muskingum University’s Music Department.
“This is such a wonderful opportunity for us to hear the talents of students, faculty, and staff from the Department of Music at Muskingum University,” said Hasseler.
Performers in the concert included Muskingum University’s Wind Ensemble, String Ensemble, Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, Muskie Rocks and soloists Mary Schlacks, Caroline Heading, Stacy Russell Welker, Steve Miller, Heather Dawson, Hannah Jordan, and Dr. Harsha Abeyaratne.
The crowd at Brown Chapel is waiting for the 12th Annual Collage Concert to begin. The show started at 7 p.m. on Oct. 13.
The Concert Choir are singing Richard Dubra’s “O Cruz Ave they sing.” This was the 12th annual Collage Concert at Muskingum University.
Orbit Media’s Bryce Ceculski is operating one of the cameras in Brown Chapel. The Collage Concert was live-streamed and is available on Orbit Media’s Vimeo page.
Brown Chapel is being filled with performers and spectators as they prepare for the concert. Muskingum University has the Collage Concert to showcase the students, faculty, and staff’s musical abilities.
Heather Dawson and Hannah Jordan are singing “Who Are You Now?” originally by Jule Styne and Bob Merrill. Both Dawson and Jordan are sopranos.
“Seven Nation Army” by the White Stripes is being performed by Muskies Rock. This was the number that marked the end of the Collage Concert.
The Muskies Rock group is performing Let It Be by the Beatles. Muskies Rock is currently a five member group and is open to all students who whish to join.
Heather Dawson and Hannah Jordan are taking in the applause that followed their performance. The evening featured 16 songs from the various groups in Muskingum University’s Music Department.
Steve Miller, as he performs “Nicas Dream” in a solo performance. The Collage Concert marks the beginning of the music departments show lineup.
Stacy Russell Welker is performing Stephen Sondheim’s “Send in the Clowns.” Welker was accompanied by Caroline Heading on the piano.
The Collage Concert ending with the performers standing to take a bow. The event featured, Muskies Rock, the Concert Choir, the Chamber Singers, the String Ensemble, and Wind Ensemble.
Alumnus Hal Burlingame ’62 is standing outside the Geyer Studio on Oct. 14. Burlingame founded WMCO in 1961.
Saturday featured the Homecoming football game vs. Baldwin Wallace, where the king and queen were crowned during halftime.
The top three queen candidates are Alex Burton, Amber Bowering, with Hailey Stroud being crowned queen.
“I didn’t even think I would make top [three], I am so happy and excited for this opportunity. Hearing my name called for homecoming queen made me so unbelievably happy and I was excited to have my mom right beside me along with my little brother,” said Stroud, a junior health administration major.
Zach Ogle won king with Peyton Carr, and Chad Love who made it into the top three.
“…I was shocked to see the support of the school, but not only the school but my family and my fraternity brothers who came and supported me as well. I am looking forward to crowning the next king, so they can feel the way I felt this last weekend,” said Ogle, a junior nursing major.
WMCO held the Magenta Homecoming pregame tailgate remote broadcast, featuring former alumni and former program directors for Orbit Media.
“…it’s been so much fun much fun just walking through these halls again…there’s a certain squeak that your shoe has as you’re coming…down the hall and it just takes you back to being here on campus and all the fun that we had as students and all of the cool stuff that we were able to do as students, too,” said Marty Kurtz, ’17, former program director for WMCO.
The class of 1973 marked their 50-year reunion with a collaborative donation of $1,085,482.39 to Muskingum University during the Saturday luncheon.
“We remain deeply grateful to our alumni for their amazing financial support and are especially grateful to the Class of 1973 for this excellent gift. Alumni support allows us to offer financial aid to 99% of our students so these gifts are very important to our mission,” said Hasseler.
Homecoming concluded Sunday, Oct. 15 with a chapel service with a combined alumni and student choir.