University community comes together to serve


Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a day of remembrance for his work and legacy as a civil rights leader. For Muskingum University, it is also a chance to give back to the community. 

Muskingum University organized it’s annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service where 56 members of the university community came together, including 35 students, 13 employees, three employee family members, and five alumni.  

“To be able to take our students and say, you know, ‘here’s a day where you could sleep in or you could go home for a long three-day weekend but you could also be able to embrace this value that Muskingum really epitomizes and say let’s go out into our community and give back in a way,’” said Valerie Smith, Director of Cultural Engagement & Inclusion. 

Volunteers worked from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. where they were treated to a free lunch. As their community service for the day came to an end, volunteers were asked a series of reflection questions.

“As the director of cultural engagement and inclusion, I really like the fact that this project, this day of service, really also highlights the legacy of Martin Luther King and that ability to have social change and connections within the community,” said Smith.

Those who participated assisted groups like Habitat for Humanity, Breaking Free Therapeutic Riding Center, Beckett House, and the New Concord Area Arts & Recreation District (NCAARD). 

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Mental wellbeing tools available to students


Muskingum University’s Counseling Services offered tips for students on how to improve mental wellbeing through journaling, light therapy, and tea at the Smith Library on campus.

The event, held Jan. 30, included light therapy, which is being exposed to bright artificial light, is a way to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of mental disorder where the winter’s lack of sunlight affects your emotional state in a negative way. 

Kaci Kinnan is waiting to welcome students entering the library. She shared resources about maintaining mental wellbeing available on campus.

Kaci Kinnan is waiting to welcome students entering the Smith Library on Jan. 30. She shared resources about maintaining mental wellbeing available on campus.

Kaci Kinnan, Administrative Assistant for Student Wellness, was running the table. 

“I used one the other day just to see…if I felt any different. After I used it for the day and amazingly enough the next day I…felt better,” said Kinnan. 

Interested students can visit Counseling Services on campus and sign out a light box for up to four weeks to help improve their wellbeing.

Kinnan also offered any interested students journals and pens for students to use. She says journaling can be more than acting as a diary and shared another personal experience. 

“It keeps me more on track with things. When I’m on top of everything that needs to be done and I can write my thoughts and my feelings down, I feel more in control of myself and my emotions,” said Kinnan. 

Counseling services can be found in Montgomery Hall on the ground floor in suite two from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. They can also be contacted by email at or through their online booking link. Counseling Services is a free service to all Muskingum students.

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