Homecoming Weekend is a time for alumni to take a stroll through their old stomping grounds across the campus of Muskingum University.
“Today we are saying ‘welcome back’ to alumni,” said Jen Bronner, Director of Alumni Relations. “It is such a great feeling, so much school spirit exuding from everywhere today.”
Bronner, being an alumna herself, has experienced the life and customs that comes along with being a Muskie.
“Muskingum University has really strong traditions and some of those [include] Homecoming,” said Bronner. “For us, the exciting thing, this ‘addition to tradition’ is, we’ve got a new president, who is already really just engaging with our campus and our community…it’s just really exciting to have that part of what we’re celebrating this weekend.”
President Susan S. Hasseler has continued the Muskie mantra this past Wednesday at the annual Homecoming campus bonfire. “It’s a great day to be a Muskie” and by that, she means just what she says.
“I think we all need to remember what a wonderful place this is and how every day is a gift,” said Hasseler. “So, when I say this day like every day is a great day to be a Muskie, I mean that it really is!”
This weekend was filled to the brim for President Hasseler, with 2016 being her first Muskie Homecoming. She enjoys festivities that intertwine both past and current students.
“What’s really exciting about Homecoming is that it is a coming home for alums, but it’s also a way for our alums to connect with our current students,” said Hasseler. “And so it’s a wonderful gathering of people who are coming back and reminiscing, but also our current students who are doing amazing things. And that’s what I really enjoy.”
Hal Burlingame, ’62 is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, as well as a Muskie alumnus who founded the campus radio station, WMCO, while he was still at student in 1961.
Burlingame returns to campus every year for Homecoming, but said 2016 Homecoming was special nonetheless.
“It’s a little different this year because we have a brand new president,” said Burlingame. “Hasseler, [and] her husband Ken, who are riding in the parade, it’s their first time they are experiencing it so that makes it special.”
As the parade winded down, alumni and their families were provided a lunch on the East Lawn and then welcomed to watch the Fighting Muskies football team take on the John Carroll University Blue Streaks. Though the Muskies fell to the Blue Streaks 31-3 in the Homecoming Game, the festivities continued into the evening.

The Muskies battle the John Carroll Blue Streaks for the annual Homecoming Football Game. After an initial lead by the Blue Streaks the Muskies were never able to gain control and fell 31-3.
Before the start of the game, the Homecoming Court was recognized and President Hasseler spoke to the stadium crowd.
Muskingum royalty, Matt Triola and Nicole Navicky, were crowned king and queen at Friday night’s Varsity Revue performance.

Juniors Matt Triola and Nicole Navicky won the honor of Homecoming King and Queen. Triola won after an initial three-way tie among the three top male candidates.
Triola and Navicky were recognized for being in the top three at Wednesday night’s Homecoming Bonfire that kicked off Homecoming weekend.
Homecoming 2016 also featured another first, the new Muskie mascot was revealed at the bonfire. The “old” Muskie took his final march down the steps of John Glenn Gym and passed the torch to new Muskie, Magnus, thus beginning a new era for future Muskies.

Muskie Magnus receives the torch and the legacy of being the Muskie mascot at the Homecoming Bonfire 2016.
WMCO aired the Alumni Lunch, Homecoming Parade, and Homecoming Football Game live on 90.7. See photos from Homecoming Week events on Orbit Media’s Twitter page. Orbit TV also covered the various Homecoming events, which you can watch on the YouTube channel.