The Village of New Concord received an update about the village recycling program. Kimble Companies representative Julie Monroy talked about the recycling program that began in March 2019 during the Jan. 13 Village Council meeting.
The village has received a 70% participation rate for the program.
While recycling in the village is going well, Monroy reminded village residents about contaminants and keeping recycling clean.
“Our operations came to both Charlotte [Colley] and myself and said that what they were seeing in the [recycling] bins was contamination. The majority of the contamination was pizza boxes with food left in them and plastic bags,” said Monroy.
For residents who have contaminates in their recycling bins, Kimble has left tags on bins to notify residents of the issues. Residents who receive multiple tags and continue to add contaminants will be reported to Village Hall.
For residents who aren’t sure if something should be recycled or not, the best thing to do is throw it in the trash rather than leave a contaminant in the recycling. There is also a graphic on Kimble recycling bins to demonstrate what is acceptable to place in the bin.
Items that can be recycled include paper, cardboard, cleaned plastic bottles and jugs, magazines, metal cans, and glass. Items with food inside should be washed and dried before recycling.
Any questions about recycling and items that may or may not be acceptable in recycling can be directed to Kimble Companies at 1-800-201-0005 or by email at