The Drug Enforcement Administration hosts the National Drug Take Back Day twice a year. The event helps get unneeded prescriptions out hands of individuals and to help prevent drug misuse.

The New Concord Police Department is participating in Drug Take Back Day. The event happens every April and October.
The next Take Back event is Saturday, Oct. 29 at Village Hall.
Drug Take Back Day collects potentially dangerous, expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs, including liquids. Vape pens and e-cigarette devices are accepted if the batteries are removed.
The New Concord Police Department is participating from 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Police Chief Mindy Peck says the event helps obtain unused medications that otherwise would be unsafely discarded and collects drugs that can help eliminate overdoses.
Although National Drug Take Back Day is twice a year, the New Concord Police Department has an unwanted drug drop-off box located at Village Hall.
Muskingum County residents can utilize the drop-off service Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. No needles or sharps are accepted.